K this is my 3rd day not sleeping well for this week. I've been waking up almost every hour for the past 2 days hermm,... why issit? No idea. Anyway today lessons quite boring. Lessons for every Friday :
ENGLISH > DnT > CO. HUMANITIES. For English have to do close passage but never do so was like talking almost half the period and help teacher give out grade "sticky" to the class. For DnT finally completed my 1st IDEA which is erm.. a zimmer frame(" Walking stick") within 1 and a half hour. Actually today watching movie "DEFIANCE" at AMK Hub with my class but everything was cancelled. Firstly is becoz the muslim boys cannot follow as the movie starts at 12:45pm and ends at 2:15pm and our prayers starts at 1:20pm. Secondly, the choir members have SYF at Republic Poly. Lastly, some boys going to chalet as to celebrate friend birthday. Lastly, for Co. Humanities is do Source Based Question(SBQ) and some internet quiz. Common test Starts next week and the lessons gets boring and boring. K then going to sleep maybe tomorrow gooing out cya!
Finally get her number hmmm... so whats the next step i dont think im going to give up.. have to strive. k today have 2 test physics and maths... hermmm... "quite" difficult cause never study as usual... kk for now im rushing on my homework for Mothertongue never pass up (8 work) Must pass up by next week as next 2 weeks common test starts. Ok then have to go now my time is up now have log book to sign at home :[ can use comp for 1 hr during weekdays and 2 hrs durig weekends.. so !@#$!. K then Cya ..
Will there be a chance for me to be with her?? -Sighs- how do i show that i like her after a long time i never seen/met her... Nvm.. Its just my luck hiez....
K today im freaking bored. Lessons are - Physics(conduction) -> Chemistry (Wateva acid thingy) -> PE (Rugby) -> Recess (Never eat save money) -> Character Education (Watch PEARL HARBOR) -> Mother tongue (Nothing new) -> Maths ( Speed line graph or something like that) x] Then FINISH school! straight away i head to the bus stop and head to my grandma house at Kallang play Xbox till 6+ then go home study a lil then now im here blogging. Herm.. bored arh?? Actually everyday the same thing larhs but to day also the weather damn hot cant even concentrate so just talk to my friends the whole day. K need to rest for tomorrow as there is a Maths test one algebraic fractions. K then Nitezz..
Eloo all what do you think of the skin? Do tag to tell me if many say not nice/gayish or more i will change it to other skins so taggs please =]
I've been dreaming of you.. But how do i try to explain them in words...?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() profile ![]() Create Your Badge Name : Muhammad 'Uzair Nicks : Bigears, Aciak, Oo-zair, MS and moreee.. D.O.B : 04/_ / 1993 D.O.D : Not Confirmed Friendster : uza_1993@hotmail.com Funny, lame, rots all about and more... links archvies By post: